Attenuation in the dubbing and subtitling of The Green Mile

  • Lidia Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Gabriela S. Alanís Uresti Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Keywords: attenuation, politeness, euphemism, taboo


This paper is part of the doctoral thesis entitled “Critique of translation for film dubbing and subtitling from the perspective of discourse analysis. A study applied to "The Green Mile”, written by Ph.D. student Gabriela Saturnina Alanís Uresti, directed by Ph.D. Lidia Rodríguez. It is a qualitative and descriptive study where we contrasted The Green Mile - a 1999 Hollywood film, original in American English - with its translated versions: dubbed and subtitled into Spanish of Mexico. We start from the presupposition that in film translation, some references such as the ones related to sexual behaviors and offensive language are attenuated in order to be strategically polite. Specifically, we analyzed two mechanisms of attenuation: lexical selection whereby a euphemism is used, and discursive modalization. These mechanisms constitute strategies of linguistic, pragmatic and semiotic nature as they appear in original (OV), dubbed (DV) and subtitled (SV) versions; both in acoustic and visual channels. Therefore, we examine these occurrences on verbal, para-verbal, and non-verbal codes. The theoretical basis includes studies of attenuation, politeness, euphemisms, and linguistic taboos. This paper is based on methodological proposals by Gutiérrez (2008), Nájar (2009), Brown y Levinson (1987), Goffman (1967), Leech (1983), Fraser (1980) Haverkate (1994), Bravo (2001), Albelda (2010), (2005), Albelda y Briz (2010), Briz (2002a; 2002b), Allan y Burridge (2006), Chamizo (2008), Foucault (1987), Seiciuc (2010), Dubois (1969), Dubois et al (1973), and Rodríguez (2004).


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Author Biographies

Lidia Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Lidia Rodríguez is Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Arts, and MA in Spanish Literature from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 1993; MA in Philology by the University of Málaga, 1984; PhD in Hispanic Linguistics, with honors from UNAM, 1999, and National Award Wigberto Jiménez Moreno for the best PhD thesis in Linguistics from INAH and CONACYT, 2000. She is a member of SNI, level 2, and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences; she coordinates “Studies of dialogue” and ALFAL; she is co-coordinator of the project Studies in mitigation-PRESEEA with 56 supervised dissertations.

Gabriela S. Alanís Uresti, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Gabriela S. Alanís Uresti teaches and does research at the Faculty of Arts of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León; she has a Masters’ degree in Applied Linguistics (with emphasis in Translation), 1993; a Master in Scientific Methodology, 2004; she works on her PhD with emphasis on Culture studies in the same institution. She is a collaborator of the CAC in “Languages, speeches, semiotic studies. Cultural studies in the region”.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, L., & Alanís Uresti, G. S. (2015). Attenuation in the dubbing and subtitling of The Green Mile. Texts in Process, 1(2), 332-359.