Enunciation and argumentation: proposals for the analysis of personal forms as argumentative resources in orality

  • Federico Testoni Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: enunciation, argumentation, personal forms, orality, interviews


As part of an investigation about strategies and resources for the construction of social representations (Raiter, 2016) on orality, we propose to articulate an analysis of linguistic forms with the argumentative dimension of utterances. The aim of this paper is to review the methodology proposed by Lavandera (1984) for the analysis of the tension between the personal and the impersonal, interpreting the use of this dimension as an argumentative resource (Ducrot, 1984). From our interdiscursive perspective, we seek to show how the characterization of the enunciative roles can facilitate analysis of the positions of enunciation from which the meaning of statements is oriented (Guimarães, 1998). To this end, we will analyse three fragments of an interview by applying the study of the distribution of pronominal forms (Lavandera, 1984) and the argumentative chains (Ducrot, 1984). We believe that analysis as described from the perspective of discourse analysis will mean a contribution for future work on strategies for building social representations. 


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Author Biography

Federico Testoni, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Federico Testoni holds a BA in Linguistics from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). He is a doctoral fellow by the same university and participates at the chair of Analysis of the Languages of the Mass Media Communication. His research focuses on strategies and resources for the circulation of social representations in orality. In particular, he analyzes the representations of politics, labor and their relations.


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How to Cite
Testoni, F. (2016). Enunciation and argumentation: proposals for the analysis of personal forms as argumentative resources in orality. Texts in Process, 2(2), 174-193. https://doi.org/10.17710/tep.2016.2.2.4testoni
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