No one is perfect: a dimensional discursive semantic analysis of Rufo Caballero’s film critique

  • Yamila Cobos Castillo University of La Habana
Keywords: modal semantic category, dimensional analysis, appraisal, evaluative speech act


Criticizing cinema has always been a historical temptation and not exactly the most encouraging one. Misunderstood by some, admired by others; Rufo Caballero's atypical and controversial opinion speech goes beyond the scope of a strictly academic film critique. The object of study of the following work is the critical evaluating subject of cinema as the modal ilocutive actant of the evaluative speech acts in the discourse on cinematographic criticism. Dimensional analysis has been used as a fundamental methodology to study the content of the value meaning of utterances and their constituents: speech acts. It is based on the semantic value analysis model developed by the group of Semantic and Semiotic Studies of the Foreign Language School of the University of Havana. In particular, this discourse of the evaluating subject Rufo Caballero unfolded as a critical film illocutionary agent is characterized by positive, ambiguous and negative axiological positions always framed in the aesthetic domain. The critical ilocutive subject is modeled in consonance with its functions, generally of aesthetic appreciation, from the relation with the focalized objects: the film, the performance, the dramaturgy, the styles of the filmmakers and also their assumed attitude as a critic.


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Author Biography

Yamila Cobos Castillo, University of La Habana

Yamila Cobos Castillo has a BA in Language and Literature, a Diploma in Applied Linguistics (Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language). She is a Professor in the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Spanish for Non-Native Speakers (FENHI) of the University of Havana; also, she is a PhD candidate at the same University, where she prepares her dissertation about the analysis of Rufo Caballero’s film reviews applying a semantic dimensional analysis. She is a member of different research projects such as Senses and Meanings in Heteroglossia (SENSIHE): a project for interaction, Lexico-grammatical and pragmatic studies of the Cuban variety of Spanish. Application to Spanish as L1/L2, and the national project Spanish as mother tongue.


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How to Cite
Cobos Castillo, Y. (2018). No one is perfect: a dimensional discursive semantic analysis of Rufo Caballero’s film critique. Texts in Process, 4(1), 30-46.
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